Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Quickly Now

I logged into twitter today for the first time in a couple months. I've been a spotty tweeter, at best. But I've been having some seriously awesome thoughts lately that the world, the world in this case being the 80 people who follow me, needs to see in 140 character bursts. Upon logging in, I realized something: real people aren't tweeting anymore. The whole thing is a clusterfuck of blogs and news services, celebrities and douchebag "new media" marketing types.

So I logged out, and will probably delete my account soon. I just don't see the point anymore, especially since I'm dicking around with this blog for at least the next 11 days or so.

Oh yeah, I logged on originally to post the following: It's a bummer that sour patch kids and swedish fish don't come in a king size

I can't help but feel that twitter missing that tweet is almost the internet equivalent of the burning of the library at Alexandria. Almost.

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