Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Super Power, Fuck Yeah

The only super power I wanted as a kid was the ability to stop time. Ok, I also wanted to fly, wanted x-ray vision and wanted to be invisible. But, stopping time was tops on my list. If you could stop time you could do whatever you wanted: see boobies, drive fast cars, steal a bunch of money, punch a jerk in the face, whatever you wanted. The possibilities are really limitless.

I decided today that I still kinda want this power. Mostly because some assface just said this to me:

"So, when are you gonna leave this dead end job?"
Well asshole, I've submitted a shitload of grad school applications, but when I get rejected from all of them I'm not really sure what I'm going to do. But, thanks for asking in the rudest way possible. You fucking idiot.

But, I'm getting off track here. I was talking about super powers. Basically, if I had the ability to stop time, I would've done so, picked this harpie up, put her in a trash can and walked away. Maybe I would have waited until I caught her walking really fast. Then I could have stopped time, positioned her directly in front of a wall and restarted time. People walking into walls is always funny.

While my primary motivation for wanting this power, petty vengence as opposed to a sophomoric bacchanalia, has changed a bit...I still want this shit.

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